Voice Actor Vic Mognogna

January 18, 2008 at 11:11 pm Leave a comment


The following is interview from 411mania with Voice Actor Vic Mignogna. Mignogna is an English voice actor for Ed Elric in Fullmetal Alchemist, Ikkaku Madarame in Bleach, and several other shows. Mignogna is also known as an experienced and talented musician, singer, song writer, and pianist.

TVO: One thing I’m always curious about. I really admire your faith, you’re someone who loves God, and who loves Jesus. So are you ever uncomfortable with material you work with or a character you play? Such as, “I’m not sure how I feel about this.”

VM: There’ve been many times actually. There have been many times when I had a real problem with doing something or saying something. There’ve been many shows that I was not cast in and not even asked to audition for because the directors of those shows knew that it would not be something that I felt good about. There are bad shows and good shows out there, and there have been characters that I’ve played that I requested of the director to change things about the character just because I was uncomfortable with them. And the directors are usually very accommodating, like you know what, “If you can pull off the same attitude, if you can communicate the same expression without profanity let’s say, more power to you.” And for the most part I’ve been successful in that. And you know my feeling about it is this: I believe God has given me the opportunities that I have. If I do the right thing, if I try to take a stand for what I believe in, and I refuse to do certain things because I feel like they wouldn’t be good; if I believe God is in control, then he’s going to honor that decision. And he’s going to bring me other opportunities that I don’t have to compromise my beliefs—Now I don’t agree with every single thing of every character that I do because I’m an actor. I’m playing a character, I’m not that person. Ed’s very agnostic about God. Well, I’m not, but that doesn’t mean I can’t play the character. I think everybody that knows me knows what I believe. They know what I feel, and they understand there’s a line of differentiation between an actor and the character he plays.

TVO: One thing I’ve always interpreted about Ed is that he believes in God, but he feels resentful toward God.

VM: Very.

TVO: And I feel at the end he might’ve regained some measure of faith in God—

VM: I think so.

TVO: It’s subtle but I believe there’s kind of a regaining of faith for Ed in that story.

VM: I agree. I agree completely. 

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January 2008
